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Hospitality | Full-time | Chongqing | Posted by:Salvo 西威     Jun 06 14:19 share    Tel:     Working City:Chongqing   Hits:


I would like to seek career in Hospitality and Tourism industry. The traditions and the passion of service is my motivation to reach the highest customer’s satisfaction. Furthermore, implement my European flair in the team and accomplish a veritable and strong service in the establishment.

本人欲望在酒店和旅游业寻求职业。 传统和服务的热情款待是我达到最高客户满意度的动力.


My comprehension and communication concerning the Chinese culture and guests is a huge advantage to drive more revenue and improve the quality to those specific guests.

我对中国文化和嘉宾的理解是一个巨大的优点。会让贵公司的提高自己的收入, 也会让嘉宾春风满面。

Thanks to my previous experience I am now I am able to provide the best service from an economic, legal and humanitarian point of view.


Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 17799

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