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  • yelenaney

    How to clean Silk Blankets

    What is the best way to clean silk blankets?

    We purchased a silk blanket (cotton shell, silk inside) during a previous trip to China. I don't want to go into the details (but let's say it involves our cat....), but I need to clean it.

    I've heard that the traditional method is just to put it in the sun for a day or two. That would likely help, but I want it cleaner. I assume putting it into a washing machine with normal water and soap will ruin it. Can it be dry cleaned?


    7 years agoin Lifestyle-Chongqing
    Answers(3) Comments(0)
  • Grace2
    hand washing with Libai, a cleaning brand and it is very useful.
    7 years ago
  • Phosholi
    you can use the product for wool material, it will do the job perfectly.
    7 years ago
  • Angelican
    My family always used the silk comforters for years. They only wash the outer cover. The inner cover, they would wipe with a damp towel if necessary. When it gets old they buy another one. You have to be careful with them. The silk inside separates if you pull or kick too hard. To keep it clean, I use an extra flat sheet and bathe before I sleep. I don't let kids jump on comforter. Maybe a dry cleaner with a Chinese owner may know a way to clean it.
    7 years ago

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