
Answers >> Chongqing >> Teaching & Leaming
  • sama

    Is it normal for teachers to hit students in China ?

    I work at a 'mill' training school ( first job in China ) where the teaching assistants sometimes physically hit kids about the body if they misbehave. I hate it and feel like I'm partly responsible because I lead the class. I've asked them not to do this many times. I prefer positive reinforcement. Is this something that happens in mainstream schools ? 
    9 years agoin Teaching & Leaming-Chongqing
    Answers(4) Comments(0)
  • Yusufov8802

    i don't it's normal in China now.A foreign teacher should never do that.

    8 years ago
  • Amante
    Of course should never do that.
    8 years ago
  • Lucas12
    I don't think so, however i am curious what the teacher did to deserve to be hitted?
    9 years ago
  • Rizzo
    i don't think it's normal in any countries, and it's bad for the mental health of the kids as well.
    9 years ago

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